I shouldn’t admit this, but since I am a huge proponent for authenticity and transparency, I will. I am a little late with this blog post – I planned to have it completed in December.
This was going to be as exciting as “O” used to do on her famed, ‘Favorite Things’ episodes when she was still on air. But I don’t have multiple assistants to help with the day to day life happenings – man I wish I did!! – so here it is finally. In August. 🙂
The purpose of this Favorite Things post is to share what items I have found useful in 2018 (er, 2019). Things that are useful as a photographer, for business, or just things I enjoy and am so darn excited about. I hope they help you in some way. These are in no particular order and some contain affiliate links.
- Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM Lens: I had never used a macro lens until I rented one from Rent Glass in OP for an early fall wedding I photographed years ago. I instantly fell in love. This lens was so amazing, not only for the macro/up close shots but for portraits as well! Beautifully clear and sharp, amazing bokeh and no distortion. I typically used the Canon 50mm for every portrait session but carry other lenses for creative shots. However, this lens is on my bucket list and will eventually be the proud owner of one. Yes, it’s on the pricey side, but this lens has quickly become a favorite.
- Jane.com: This is a ‘deal of the day’ website that I have loved for numerous years. I will say that over the years the prices have crept up and they offer 2 more pages of items than they used to, but still is a great website to find that one of a kind item for a gift.
- Pinterest: Hello, my name is Jenni and I am a pin hoarder. I could spend hooouuurrrrsss on this website just day dreaming and planning. I have found some great recipes (like this strawberry cupcake/cake recipe), and projects (like spray-painting “old” items to give them new life), and paint colors (found the perfect NAVY for our master bedroom) as well as DIY items that have come in handy.
- KETO. Whaaa? you say….Keto way of eating/way of life not only helped me lose over 50 pounds since 2017, but it also helped with my mental focus and energy (and anxiety…again on the authenticity and transparency). I’ve been hypothyroid since 2007 and this is the only “diet” that has ever helped me lose weight while helping with mental clarity. And if you know anyone hypothyroid you’ll attest to the continuous mental fog. I have also found out about some other autoimmune issues I have but I keep coming back around to Keto due to the way it makes me feel. It’s more than a weight loss plan, it’s about eating cleaner like God intended. This also comes back around to #3 which has a lot of info about Keto.
- Books. I love books and would love to sit in a sunny corner anywhere with a cup of iced coffee and read for hours. LIBRARIES are my FAV. There is something about the smell of a book and holding it in your hands to highlight and mark up when something you read hits your heart. Some all time favorites are: ‘It’s not supposed to be this way’ by Lysa Terkeurst, anything by Brene Brown (she’s AMAZING!!) – ‘Daring Greatly‘, ‘Rising Strong’, and ‘Braving the Wilderness’, ‘Big Magic’ by Elizabeth Gilbert, ‘This is Me’ by Chrissy Metz, ‘Everybody Always’ by Bob Goff. And if you’ve ever had anyone toxic or emotionally abusive in your life and you need advice on how to move forward ‘Psycopath Free’ by Jackson MacKenzie is a great one. This is only a small list of my fav’s. Like I said, I’m addicted to books. 🙂
- ShootProof. I’ve tried numerous other online gallery websites for my clients and this is my favorite by far. Very easy to maneuver and looks professional. This is the easiest way for clients to obtain their image downloads when investing in a package that comes with images. They also make it easy for photographers to offer discounts or add discounts/special codes to the sale of packages/images on their website.
- Rodan + Fields lash boost – this stuff is seriously amazing. Just visit Favorite #3 and check out all of the before and afters! You do need a consultant to purchase and I know a great one! 🙂
- Call For Entry and Zapplication – These are two websites that list juried art shows and craft shows. Most shows are going to these websites to use for vendor entries. These websites are not just for photography but any art medium.
- Humans of New York stories. A dear sweet friend of mine gave this to me for Christmas and it is perfect. It combines two of my most favorite things; photos and words. But this does more than just show images and tell people’s stories. It shows the faces of pain and joy and love and child-like wonder. This is the kind of thing that makes me go – MAN, I wish I thought of that first!!! It was the perfect gift – she knows me so well. ♥
- Lightroom. Every single photo that comes through JBPD, LLC. gets uploaded to Lightroom. I cull through the images from there and tighten then up a bit then it gets uploaded to my online gallery favorite – Shootproof.
- Origins – Checks and Balances face wash. I have used this product for numerous years and now have my kiddos on the skin care line. It’s the BEST!!
- Dave Ramsey – I know, I know. Weird to have a PERSON on your favorite things list but it’s not so much him as to what he stands for and encourages. We took his Financial Peace University class last year and it changed our lives! We are currently in baby steps 5-7 – Woot! 🙂
- Bible App / You Version App – The hubby and I do devotionals together with this app. We can make comments and answer questions all on the app. Or, I can do a devotional plan by myself as ‘private’. This app also sends a verse of the day which is nice .
- Fabfitfun – I have tried numerous subscription boxes and this is the only one I have kept throughout the years. It’s only delivered seasonally but it contains full size items that I normally wouldn’t have purchased but because I received them in the box, enjoyed them, I continue to purchase them. You can even customize the box and choose a few of the items you’ll receive. My daughter and I look forward to receiving this box every time! For a limited time get $10 off your first box by clicking HERE. Side note – that upside down ‘Bum Bum’ cream SMELLS AMAZING!!! It’s like coconuts and pina colada’s and palm trees all wrapped up in one lotion. The yellow shower gel smells just as good and my sweet daughter snagged that one from me.
- Amazon Prime Unlimited Music – My family has had Amazon Prime for many many years and we LOVE it. We recently began using the prime music (because it’s included in the prime membership and heck – why not?!). However, with the kids being home from school in the summer I would be at my desk at work listening to my prime music playlist and all of a sudden it would turn off. We finally figured out it was because the kids would turn on the prime music and with the prime plan you’re only allowed listening on one device at a time. So, for $15 per month I upgraded to unlimited. Which means continuous music anywhere on any and all devices – no more interrupted music. Totally worth it in my opinion!
- For times a greasy guilty pleasure is needed – Casey’s bbq beef pizza. 🙂
- ProPhoto – I found this website hosting from another photographer and have been using it since the very beginning. They offer free designs, as well as more “upscale” designs for purchase. The tutorials are extremely easy to follow, the website templates are super easy to build from and change/update to the look you want.
- Libby App – This is one of my favorite apps. It links up to your library card and you can “rent” books or audio books. I listen to audio books on my commute to work/home and it makes the time go by quickly.
- Art by Kelly Rae Roberts – a friend of mine introduced me to Kelly Rae’s work and I instantly was a fan. She went from corporate America to creating a huge business out of her passion of art. She creates out of her heart without fear of what people will think. I have several of her pieces that give my creativity and business inspiration and encouragement.
- Final thing on my list – YOU. I seriously could not keep going without all of my partners, friends and family. You are my support and my inspiration and have helped me grow this business that I am so deeply passionate about. This past year has been amazing and challenging with a new ebb and flow of business life and personal life. God bless each of you who walked right along side me, encouraging, supporting, pushing and praying over, THANK YOU. I love you so much and appreciate you more than you could ever imagine!!
[Post contains #commissionedlinks]
JB Photo and Design, LLC | Jenni Blake is based out of Leavenworth County, Kansas but proudly serves the areas of Lawrence, Tonganoxie, Basehor, Eudora, Lenexa, Olathe, Bonner Springs, Leavenworth, Spring Hill, Overland Park and surrounding areas.