With Valentines Day today if you’re anything like myself you’re wondering where the time flew by and now you think you don’t have enough time to purchase presents. Fear not dear fellow procrastinator I am here to help. Well, myself and Amazon. 🙂
Here are my top gift giving ideas and if you have Amazon Prime they should get to those you’ve deemed worthy of gift giving in time (or time-ish)…with hearts day on a Friday I’d say you’re golden if the gift arrives any time this weekend. There. Gift giving made easy – procrastinators included.
Please note – this post contains commissioned links and as always, Amazon pricing may change at any time.
Everyone of your coffee loving friends will enjoy this HUGE box of coffee pods for their Keurig. I can say with certainty that I DO NOT like McD’s food, but they do have some good coffee. Click HERE for a box of 36 pods for under $20 but for an even better deal click HERE for a box of 84 for only $27!! AN AMAZING DEAL Y’ALL!!
I don’t drink hot coffee too often anymore but having a Keurig it would get too expensive when family / friends were over and I was looking into getting a separate coffee pot maker. Then, I found this one that does BOTH!! I have had my machine for about 2 years and it is still working great! The hubby has been using the kcups and I use it to get hot water for cappuccino and when family/friends are over we make a huge pot of coffee and everyone’s happy. The accessories are an added bonus. Click HERE.
If you have a house full of teenagers one thing I have found that will keep their attention on you long enough if needed is CANDY. I know chocolate is bad and they’d be better with broccoli but I digress. I recently purchased this to fill Christmas stockings because it’s cheaper this way than purchasing at the store. I know, I know…I only have three children and that meant they each received 10 candy bars but if I told you they didn’t eat them all in one night would it make it better? Promise they didn’t! (Box of 30 full size candy bars for under $20). Click HERE for link. And for the husbands of my girlfriends – get THESE – your wives are waiting. 😉
I originally purchased these for the February mini sessions (but those plans changed with my 9 day stay in the hospital – thank you again to my most AMAZING clients who kindly changed session dates to accommodate). But these balloons are so cute I blew them up and threw them in the kids’ rooms this morning. See – happy cheery balloons for the kids. I’m a good mom. LOL Click HERE.
Now I have to admit here that I don’t have one of these bad boys yet, but it’s on my purchasing bucket list for this year. But I’ve been eye-balling THIS ONE. If you purchase one you must let me know how you like it! I’ve read to get the max benefit out of these the total weight of the blanket needs to be 10% of your body weight. So I’m wondering if the hubby and I need one for each of us or can we get by with one that is a little heavy for me and a little light for him? #firstworldproblems Click HERE.
My oldest wanted some bluetooth earbuds for Christmas and we had a limited amount left on his Christmas spend we found these. He had used them almost daily and has no complaints. They sound great and have really good bass! Click HERE.
I’m a huge fan of pretty rugs. I think they are the easiest way to change the mood of a room. We purchased the 9′ x 12′ ivory/grey early last year and put it in our living room (but will be moving to our bedroom as soon as I find a more colorful rug to replace it). LOVE the Safavieh brand of rugs – they are all beautiful and soft and thick and hide dog hair and kid dirt extremely well. This may not be a typical gift to give someone so it goes into the gift to YOURSELF category. You work hard Mama, treat yo’self. 😉 Click HERE.
Art pieces by Kelly Rae Roberts are a great gift for someone who likes words and heart felt messages that include sweet drawings/paintings. Like the post on FB last night I like little reminders that give myself permission to continue to be authentic and real, even if everyone else is wearing a mask of who they truly are. Kelly Rae captures this perfectly in her art. (On a side note and NOT an affiliate link, she also offers art dates, retreats and courses that look amazing if your special someone would like that!!) Click HERE for the art on Amazon.
I would not be doing my due diligence as a photographer if I didn’t include in this gift giving list a few items photography related. THIS is the camera body I started with many years ago (and still carry as my backup) and THIS is the body I use daily now. But as I’ve always said, it really doesn’t matter what body you use the “pizzazz” comes from the lens. I HIGHLY recommend THIS lens – it’s a prime lens. It takes AMAZING portrait images but also is a macro lens.
And of course the NUMBER 1 gift would be the gift of Amazon Prime! We have been Prime members for years and every year they add more and more benefits. I’m almost embarrassed to admit but my sweet daughter an I just realized YESTERDAY by being Prime members we also get free movies and shows. Crazy to think how much we’ve missed out on. It’s truly a great deal not only free movies/shows but also music and FREE one or two day SHIPPING!! – only $119 for the entire year. Click HERE.
I know this is not an all inclusive list and may or may not suit your gift giving needs, but, this is a good start. Even if you only purchase items for yourself. 😉
Happy Valentines and Galentines day to you, my sweet Friend!