Welcome to my little corner of the internet – thank you for visiting!
Hello! This page is where you will find all the info you expect to find on an “About” section – details about my family, why I love photography, my favorite coffee drink, and even some of my most beloved graphics. I’m a pretty open book but if there is something you’re curious about that isn’t here or on the socials, drop me a line and ask.
If you found your way here because of my posts regarding my health journey, thank you and welcome. Autoimmune/chronic illness is a long, pot-hole filled road and I’m grateful so many of you have reached out and shared your story. No matter what we endure in our lifetime it’s amazing to have a genuine & supportive community around us.
About Jenni
- I’m a Canon girl. I primarily shoot with the Canon 6D, but use my original dslr, the Canon T3i, as a back up if needed. I own several prime/non-prime Canon lenses that will cover just about any need.
- My favorite cupcake of all time is a chocolate cake with peanut butter buttercream with chocolate drizzle and Nutter Butter on top.
- Personality tests = LOVE. On the Meyers Briggs I’m an INFJ, Enneagram scale I’m a 9 (peacemaker), 6 (loyalist), 4 (individualist). With Strengths Finder my top five are Input, Empathy, Intellection, Developer, Positivity…give me a personality test or personality/psychology book and I’m hooked.
- My current go-to drink at Starbucks is a cold brew with a splash heavy cream.
- The older I get the more I cherish those who embody the principles of honesty, transparency, kindness and non-judgement. Romans 12:2
- Dave Ramsey and his baby steps changed our lives. Excel spreadsheets and budget graphs are my jam yo.
- My dream vacation would be to Ireland #lifetimebucketlist
- Currently, we’re on the cusp of being empty nesters. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about this just yet. Sad the kiddos are leaving the nest but goodness I love a quiet house! 🙂
- And finally, I would not be who or where I am today without my faith. I’m a Jesus loving woman and this relationship has strengthened me through some extremely low valleys and kept me humble on mountain tops and I will forever be grateful for His forgiveness, strength, peace and grace. #graceupongrace
Let’s get social! We’d love for you to stop by our other corners of the web!
About JB Photo & Design, LLC.
If you’re interested into how I got started in photography and how JB Photo and Design, LLC. was formed, please read This Post.
Over the past few years I’ve had to shift the business multiple times. Whereas I do shoot Sunday morning candid shots at our church, I’ve had to step away from shooting portrait sessions. The business has shifted to a more digital focus, including offering fine art prints and digital download printables / apparel / print products. I am also thoroughly enjoying managing the socials for our church – this has allowed me to engage with all of my passions – photography, digital creations and giving encouragement!
When able, I do capture landscape and macro images. You can find some of my landscape and macro images in art competitions and contests, juried exhibitions (here and here – more posts coming!), craft shows, Etsy, government buildings (blog post coming soon!!), and in homes – including mine, of course!
About JB Bakehouse
Hello, my name is Jenni and I have a slight food addiction. Which in turn I guess this also means I have a slight eating addiction, but I digress.
My love for baking sweets came from my childhood and “helping” my Grandmother in the kitchen. Before she passed in 2012 she gifted me her numerous recipe boxes which are no doubt a treasure to me. She had quite the sweet tooth and baking obsession.
Who else got to have a baking party with their Grandmother? Sweet deal. Literally.
JB Photo and Design, LLC | Jenni Blake is based out of Kansas. We love to capture images, create graphic art, bake all things in the “yummy stuff” category, as well as throwing a little encouragement from our small corner of internet land.
#jesusovereverythingelse #jbpdllc #jenniblake #youareloved #shineyourlittlelight #jesuslovesyou