Since December, I have made weekly batches of homemade chicken broth that I drink for breakfast and anytime I’m wanting anything hot – I’m not a fan of cold weather so this comes in handy A LOT! I have made chicken noodle soup with this broth but honestly – and selfishly – I like to keep it for myself throughout the week. I will make it for the kids if they ask, but they’ve only asked for it once. (Selfish excitement ensues.)
One tip that is actually pretty important with this recipe – make sure to purchase an organic chicken. Not only is it healthier but the taste is so much better than a non-organic fryer chicken.
Also, you can add whatever vegetables/fruit you want. This recipe is so versatile you can include whatever you have on hand.
JB’s Homemade Chicken Broth
1 – 4-5 lb Organic fryer chicken
4 – Carrot stalks
4 – Celery stalks
1 – Large Orange
1 – Large Apple
1 – Large Onion
3 Tblsp Poultry Seasoning
- Rinse chicken thoroughly.
- Chop vegetables and fruit in half or quarters.
- Add seasoning – could also add bay leaf, Italian seasoning, dried parsley, etc.
- Toss everything in stock pot and cover with water.
- Bring to a boil then simmer on low for at least 4 hours (longer is better).
- Once done, pull chicken from broth mix – should be fall-off-bone tender.
- Strain broth through strainer into bowl.
- Strain again through fine metal strainer.
- Serve or store in fridge for up to a week.
When serving broth, ladle some into a coffee mug and add some butter. #Delish
Serve chicken as a main dish or in a casserole, or use to create homemade chicken noodle soup. 🙂