Free Lensing. Sound weird? Well, attempting this maneuver is even weirder. To ‘free lens’ one must DETACH the lens from the camera body and hold the lens close to the camera while taking pictures.
For a perfectionist like myself this technique of capturing photos is incredibly difficult. You don’t get very much of the shot in focus and it’s all about holding the lens just right and positioning your body just right… If it didn’t add so much drama and mystery to the photos I would have given up on the first couple shots. But I love what it does to the frame.
First, manually set the focus on the furthest distance possible for the lens.
Turn camera off. Detach lens.
Turn camera on and hold lens close to where it would be if it were attached to the camera.
Snap away. Test out the different angles and different blurry corners of the frame. Hold the lens further away or tight against the camera. It all creates a new and different dramatic image.
Now, being that the lens is detached from the camera please be especially careful about where you are attempting this maneuver. I would not recommend this be tried at the beach on a windy day or attempting to capture rain drops. Your camera is very vulnerable while free lensing and you don’t want anything to get inside the camera body.
Try this technique out and see how you like it. Try it with different lenses and lighting.
I will be free lensing more often with portrait sessions and for still photography.
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