**Post contains commissioned links.**
This mug is pretty ingenious. It looks just like a [Canon] camera lens – which of course, it’s made to.
However, a warning should come with it, or a bright orange tip like they do with BB guns or something so that at first glance it’s pretty darn obvious it’s NOT an actual lens. Am-I-RIGHT?? Hands up, y’all! No-one??
This lens put me through a totally embarrassing moment – though thankfully it was with a family member, but still. [Disclaimer – I’m a pretty awkward person anyway so this whole situation would probably not happen to the average person. Yeah me!]
I received a mug similar to this as a gift from a family member several years ago and the mug came in a box NOT labeled as a mug. It appeared as if the person had gifted me this uber EXPENSIVE #Canon lens! The “LENS” even came with a lens CAP and imprinted with something similar to CANON but when you’re in shock from receiving such an expensive gift you don’t really look close. Before taking the “LENS” out of the box I told the person I couldn’t accept the expensive gift and they replied well that is good because it’s just a mug. LOL
See – told you – AWKWARD!!!!
If you would like to play a trick on a photographer friend or would just enjoy a mug like this – because it IS pretty darn awesome – click THIS LINK to get your own.

#mortified #soawkward #goodthingitwasfamily #photographergift #jenniblake #jbpdllc