As I wrote in THIS POST I’m anxious for warmer weather so to get back with my families for portraits (and warmer weather so we can travel and get those amazing landscape shots!!), but for now I needed a project. Macro photography it is!!
I went to the grocery store today and as I was walking through the isles I was wondering which items would make for an interesting close up shot! LOL This must be how newborn photographers feel walking through Hobby Lobby wondering if a baby could fit in the tiny basket. 😉
Today it was another succulent plant and our lab mix we rescued from the pound when he was 8 weeks old. He’s literally the softest dog we’ve ever had and I have never seen another dog who kept that puppy softness as they’ve aged.
Please note – most of these macro images are now available for purchase at the Online Fine Art Gallery. Please visit to see these and other images for sale. Thank you for supporting my small business!! And yes, I do a happy dance when you make a purchase. 🙂 ♥
Our older lab was a great client – of course this was after he gave me his initial side eye of disgust. Then he got busy “protecting” the driveway from any intruders and forgot all about the camera lens in his face. (What I love most about that image of his eye is you can see the driveway that he watches so studiously each and every day.)
Love that stinking dog. ♥