Note – as with the Spoonie Gift Guide, July post, Mothers Day post and Fathers Day post, links contained in this post may be commissioned links. Meaning when you make a purchase from a recommendation on this post, the company sends pays me a small commission. A few of the links are also part of the Pinterest Creator Rewards program. Thank you-thank you-thank you for your support.
Hello and happy Friday, Friends!
We have been out of school for a little over a week now and I can certainly say our pantry reflects it. Summers around here usually mean that the pantry empties just as quickly as it is replenished.
Prior to the pandemic shutting everything down and us moving from purchasing groceries in store to online/pick up, I would give the kids an allowance for their chores and then some extra for them to purchase their own snack food. This saved me a fortune and taught the kids how to budget week to week. They also learned when to save and when to splurge – if there was an item they wanted like a new electronic they had to determine if splurging on a food item was worth it or if they wanted to save the money for the new electronic.
The kids had to check out their own groceries through the check out line. Of course I was right behind them in line just in case. But more often than not I would receive a comment from the person working the register that they were impressed with the kids. Most of them would comment what a great idea it was, teaching them how to budget early on in their lives.
Now that we can shop indoors again without a major fear of the pandemic we have gone back to this way of shopping for groceries. However, since the boys have jobs and are living at home with no expenses (besides gas and tags/taxes for their vehicles) they will be receiving less of an allowance than my youngest who doesn’t’ have a job nor car.
Side note – I still purchase the basic food items like bread, milk, meals but the kids purchase their own chips/dessert items/specialty items or if they don’t like a meal that I have on the menu that week they purchase their own dinner, etc.
The hubby and I had our belief system around debt and budgeting completely overhauled after we took Financial Peace University in September 2018. We began following Dave Ramsey closely and listened to his podcast every day to learn more. At that time I was a little more passionate about the overhaul so I took over the family finances – though we do discuss them if needed – and implemented several new structures that keep us debt free and prepared for the inevitable.
We were able to pay off all of our debt in 8 months – granted, we sold some land and the profit wiped out our debt. #thankyoulord We then used our income towards investing and our kids’ college fund. It makes my heart happy that we have been able to continue to be debt free (besides the mortgage) since 2019.
In this new budgeting lifestyle we have also been able to instill part of what we’ve learned in our teenagers/young adult. They have both purchased their vehicles with cash to avoid obtaining a loan. I hope and pray that they carry this mindset with them for their lifetime.
Sorry for the ramble – can you tell I’m a little passionate about this? ha
Anyway – on with the top 15 pins of the week last few weeks. With all the busy-ness we’ve had the pin themes were all over the place.
Don’t forget to check out the creation videos I’ve produced this month. We’ve had some great – super quick – dinners. And the salsa is one that my kiddos request at every turn – it’s soooo good! I always make a double batch because we devour it.
See all of the creations HERE. Two are shared below with direct links. Click the link to be taken to the complete reel and save them to your boards!
Thank you, Friends, for all of your support and love. I’m so grateful for you.
♥ ~JB




A great read on this topic is the book, ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD.






JB Photo and Design, LLC | Jenni Blake is based out of Leavenworth County, Kansas. We love to capture images of people and landscape, create graphic art, bake all things in the “yummy stuff” category, as well as throw encouragement and light throughout our corner of internet land.
#budgetingwithteens #spreadsheetsaremyjam #financialpeace #teachingthemearly #jenniblake #jbpdllc #pinterest #pinterestismyjam