Grandma’s recipe box is a treasure trove of memories, history, and delicious treats. As I sifted through the stained and worn cards, I came across a recipe for ‘One-Layer Wacky Cake.’
This dessert may sound strange, but as I dug deeper on the webs I found it has a fascinating backstory that takes us back to the Great Depression era.
Wacky cake, also known as crazy cake or depression cake, was created during the Great Depression when ingredients such as eggs, butter, and milk were scarce and expensive. This cake was a creative solution to the problem of making a dessert with limited resources. It is an eggless, butterless, and milkless cake that uses vinegar and baking soda to create a chemical reaction that makes the cake rise.
As I reflected on the cake and its history, I couldn’t help but think about how resourceful people had to be during the Great Depression. Recipes like Wacky Cake were born out of necessity, and making do with products that were readily available. I felt a sense of gratitude for my grandmother and for all of the people who had to make do with what they had during that difficult time.
The recipe card was in my grandmother’s handwriting, and it was a real treasure to find. The recipe itself was simple and relied on pantry staples like flour, sugar, and cocoa powder. What set this cake apart was the fact that it didn’t use any eggs or dairy. Instead, it relied on vinegar and oil for moisture.
When I made the cake for my family, I wasn’t sure what to expect. To my surprise, it was incredibly moist and had a good amount of chocolate flavor. I am absolutely certain that during the Great Depression this cake was a decadent treat for a birthday or other celebration.
This recipe serves as a reminder that sometimes the simplest things can bring the most joy, and that creativity can flourish even in the toughest of times.
One-Layer Wacky Cake
1.5 cups Flour
1 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 tablespoon Baking Powder
1/4 cup Cocoa
1 tablespoon Vinegar
1.5 tsp Vanilla
1/3 cup Vegetable Oil
1 cup Cold Water
2/3 cups chopped nuts (I used pecans as it’s what I had on hand)
Preheat oven to 350F.
Mix dry ingredients and sift in large bowl. Make a “well” in the center of dry ingredients. Set aside.
Mix vinegar, oil, vanilla and water. Pour liquids into center well of dry ingredients.
Mix until smooth.
Add nuts.
Pour into 9×13 dish that has been coated with non-stick cooking spray.
Bake 35 minutes.
No frosting was made as per Grandma’s note – “needs no frosting.”
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JB Photo and Design, LLC | Jenni Blake is based out of Kansas. We love to capture images, create graphic art, bake all things in the “yummy stuff” category, as well as share the light and love of Jesus. Follow along on socials!
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